Many companies believe that to import wholesale products from China you need to be big and buy huge quantities at a time. This may have been true in the past, but as China becomes more open and with improved internet access, many smaller companies and individuals are taking advantage of importing wholesale products direct from […]
Many companies believe that to import wholesale products from China you need to be big and buy huge quantities at a time. This may have been true in the past, but as China becomes more open and with improved internet access, many smaller companies and individuals are taking advantage of importing wholesale products direct from […]
Choosing a Product – Part 3
Choosing A Profitable Product To Buy From China- Part 3. In Parts 1 and 2 of this report we identified 2 main strategies that may be considered when choosing products to directly buy from China. We then looked at some of the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy. In this report we look at a […]
Choosing a Product – Part 2
Choosing A Profitable Product To Buy from China – Part 2. If you know exactly what products you wish to directly buy from china, you can immediately focus on finding good suppliers for a particular product at wholesale prices and setting up initial deals. But for a lot of people, especially those new to importing, […]
Choosing a Product – Part 1
Choosing A Profitable Product To Buy From China – Part 1. What is a good product to buy from China? If I had a dollar for every time someone has asked me that question, I would probably be able to retire! There is no right answer. It is really up to the individual. If you […]
What Can I Import From China?
The simple answer to this is ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. In Chinese culture, nothing’s impossible. Not necessarily simple, but certainly possible. Many, if not the majority of wholesalers in Australia already import from China either from manufacturers or distributors. Depending on the products they import, these wholesalers then on-sell to manufacturers, other distributors, retail stores, offices and […]
Why Buy From China?
Not only do Chinese factories make a vast variety of products at very low cost, but many of the world’s major manufacturers are moving more and more of their manufacturing to China. China has a number of major advantages over most western countries. These all help to minimise the operational costs for Chinese factories: Low […]